Exquisite vintage or Halloween inspired miscellaneous teacups with or without matching saucers to help with the party theme for this year. Please cue me in if you find any little treasures that you think I cannot live without for the event. I can't wait for the freezing weather and snow to break so that the neighborhood yard sales and estate sales start opening up for my treasure seeking fulfillment. Second hand stores might prove to harbor a set or two as well. I will need about 48 different cups wish me luck.
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what a cool cup. do you know anything about it?
Witch Teacup according to Dragonfly Design Studio
Porcelain teacup and saucer with vintage Halloween images. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Cup is 2.5" by 3.5", saucer is 6" diameter.
BL 5749 $16.00
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However there are lovely candlesticks that match still available.
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