Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Custom Wedding Quija invitation

I so would have loved these little custom works of art when I was married oh so long ago, and just the cleverness of these, makes me almost want to do it all over again.... keyword "almost", actually it is just easier to throw a really great Halloween party every year and celebrate with our closest friends and the "lurkers" they bring along with them. Careful though, just a visit to CORNDOG Industries LLC will give your wallet reason to run and hide.

I can so see finding a way to tweak these to fit my needs somehow this year....
photo borrowed from Corndog Industries


  1. Those are awesome....I too am thinking of a way to make those work for my party invite.....thanks...I think :D


  2. That's it! Who wants to marry me?!
    Oh crap..I'm already married....

  3. Nice, no wedding on the horizon, maybe can use them for party invites?

  4. i love these! i wonder if you could work them into a business card ... ?
