So I have been away for quite a while, not on purpose, but to be totally honest I completely crashed and burnt after Halloween this year. The thought of the upcoming 3 holidays combined with school activities, IEP meetings, one of my besties fighting for her life with level 4b cervical cancer, chairing Little Snowflake Shoppe (aka Santa shop), the stupid flu, a broken computer and my dismay to have to disassemble our Halloween display this year well it all landed me out of commission for a while... but for all of you holding on with suspense anxiously awaiting my next post... (giggle... if that were only true...but who knows perhaps one day I will wake up one day and find myself amongst the blogging gods of our century...) you wait has expired....
I'm baaaaaaaaaack!
I'm baaaaaaaaaack!
I have spent the last few days catching up on some of my favorite blogs, and thinking about all of the random thoughts, recipes and finds I want to share with you. But for today... today you only get a bite.... in more ways than one.... A fantastic recipe that a few of my fellow bloggers have already posted but I think needs a bit more attention... these are going to be one of the highlights of my Halloween festivities this year because YES... I already have my theme..... several have been floating around in my brain for the last few months, but with the upcoming release of the movie in March... on my wee peanut's birthday none the less, I can only imagine the excitement surrounded around the movie and all of the costume possibilities this year.... not to mention decoration and custom party affair.... so without any further pomp and circumstance.....
the 2010 theme for our Halloween Party this year will be a modified version of
the Mad Hatter's Tea Party
These little treasures will be one of the crowning jewels on the table...thank you to Boo Spooky & PUMPKINROT for sharing these with me first....they are FANTASTIC enjoy everyone and if you haven't already headed over to Matt's bites, jump right over it is truely a feast for the eyes and with a little follow through a feast for the stomach as well. Thank you for the recipe Matt, and a little inspiration!the Mad Hatter's Tea Party
from Wonderland....our food will be sprawled out like a tea party and I have costume ideas already in the works... I told JT he can be Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, he wasn't too happy with me... I was joking... sigh... so there you have it... feel free to offer any suggestions you might have to help my creative juices continue to boil....I think I have the invite already worked out and have a good jump start on the menu....but I have plenty of time to reconsider....
Adam's Spooky Candy Apples
click on the image for the recipe
Brilliant. Cannot wait to see your ideas and progress through the coming year!