Thursday, February 4, 2010

My first official Halloween Gift

Ok, so technically I was blessed with my new treasure about 2 months ago but I am just getting around to telling you all about it formerly. We have a "Ghoul Gift" exchange every year at our annual haunt. Everyone brings a creatively wrapped Halloween inspired gift around a $10 value for the exchange. It is very neat to find out what is inside, but over the years, the "creatively wrapped" inspiration has taken over. This year we had a gift wrapped like a spider nest covered in lots of tiny black baby spiders,

another gift wrapped in the shape of a bat, another wrapped in an old rusty bucket... it never seems to amaze me the creativity that our friends have. Everyone gets a playing card and when their matching card is called they have the option of taking a gift from the pile or swiping a gift from someone else. Once they choose a gift they can leave it wrapped or unwrap it. Most of the veteran guests know to leave their gift wrapped until the end because we do have the option of swiping gifts. It can get quite exciting and quite hysterical.
This year, once everyone had a gift, and the game was over, it was time to unwrap the precious treasures that were still concealed in their creativity, and I squealed when Jimmy & Patricia
opened their item, a set of hand-painted martini glasses and ghoulish green martini mix...
photo is of Patricia choosing her gift-(actually JT said it was more like a pout)... Nikki did an excellent job and I will sing her talented praises over and over again.

Low n behold, about a week later, Miss Nikki showed up on my doorstep with this package...
I was tickled to death... and I squealed with excitement when I pulled out my very large spiderweb & witch stocking wine glasses and bottle of their wonderful deep red Oakcrest wine. What a fabulous gift and are the glasses just simply stunning! So, there you have it, my first official Halloween gift of the season, they have been used weekly since they took up residence in the wine hutch. I think of Nikki and her husband Jeff each time I use them. I told her I think she has a cottage business here... especially since she just did 2 dozen margarita glasses for me for our first monthly mom's night out Bunco party last week... I will have to get a photo of those and post for you later.

1 comment:

  1. How cool are those glasses?!! Great gift, I mean you can never go wrong with wine :)

    Very cool gift exchange!

