Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crystal Head Vodka

This past weekend we had Peanut's Birthday party at a locally restored Bowling Alley "Ghost Alley & Scooter's Club". The place is known to be home to at least two spirits one Charles who was crushed to death in 1948 at the lanes at the tender age of 25, and another of a woman. Of course we were not lucky enough to encounter any "spirits" while we were there, but the guests sure did have a lot of fun.

Sue & Gary Williams owners of Ghost Alley

Even with the beer and wine only sales on Sunday rule, the club side was opened up as well for adult guests that just needed a moment to sneak in and find a little distraction from the squeals of 30 chocolate induced excited 7-9 year olds. I popped in to check on them and I happened to spot clear right away a gorgeous little glass skull bottle nestled in the middle of their vodka shelf... I LOVE IT... Crystal Head Vodka I need a whole collection of these little treasures... while I could not sample it at the party due to the no sales on Sunday rule, I have managed to research and find a local market about 30 minutes away that distribute. I plan on making a trip over later in the week. I love the story behind the manufacturing of the vodka. almost as much as I love the history of the Bowling Alley.

Thank you to the Williams family for helping to make Peanut's 9th Birthday a huge success!


  1. I want like a case of this! and I don't even drink! :) I sure do wish they sold them in my state.

    looks like a cool place to have a party!

  2. Jealous!
    Want to bowl with skulls!

    You have a lovely blogsetup!


  3. Looks like a blast! How fun :)

  4. my daughter gave me a bottle for mother's day...i love it!
