Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The scent of fall......

is in the house today.... Warmer Montpelier- a soft interpretation of falling autumn leaves and scent Warm Maple Butter arrived about an hour ago. The wax is l \ightly sweetened Vermont maple syrup swirled with whipped butter, earthy pumpkin and warm, autumnal spices. I know this scent is going to be a favorite it many homes across the country.

Montpelier and Maple Butter will be available for purchase beginning September 1, 2010 at a 10% discount. Which helps to offset the cost of shipping and that dreaded thing called tax that the government forces upon us so that they can enjoy your products just as much as you will.

Montpelier Scentsy Warmer $30 $27

Maple Butter Scentsy Bar $5 $4.50

Maple Butter Hanging Freshener $3 $2.70

Maple Butter Room Spray $8 $7.20

Maple Butter Scentsy Brick $20 $18

Scentsy products are a safe alternative to traditional candles. They can be left on 24 hours a day. The wax melts at a safe just above body temperature heat melted from a low watt bulb. If you haven't tried us yet you are really missing out.

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