Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Remember the Candy Buffet I had great hopes for last Halloween before we decided to completely pack up our entire lives into cardboard boxes and move? Well, while I was up in the attic today organizing my Halloween treasures that had just been stockpiled during the move I came across the box with all of the glass...

I thought with Valentine's day coming up I would put them to good use. So off to the market to find some yummy treats and some co-coordinating ribbon and Wala...

Red sugar coated Jelly Hearts.. MY FAVORITE

Heart Shaped Strawberry flavored marshies

Peanut Butter hearts, Wonka Pomegranate chews, apple bites, Twizzlers

Mini Charm Lollies, Raspberry Dark Chocolate Truffles, and HELLO Jumbo Conversation Hearts!

There are also dark chocolate peppermint bites, Milk chocolate hearts, and Hot Tamales on the menu too.


  1. So glad you found those beautiful jars and they look wonderful with all those tasty treats.

  2. :)

    Even with all that (gasp) pink it that is just beautiful :D

    You are such a clever lady!!

